Srinivasa Ramanujan is one of the world’s greatest mathematicians of all time. His life story, with its humble , difficult beginnings, is as interesting in its own right as his astonishing work are.

1] The book that paved the path

Srinivasa Ramanujan had his advantage in mathematics opened by a book. It wasn't by a well known mathematician, and it wasn't loaded with the most cutting-edge work, by the same token. The book was A Synopsis of Elementary Results in Pure and Applied Mathematics (1880, overhauled in 1886), by George Shoobridge Carr. The book comprises exclusively of thousands of hypotheses, many introduced without confirmations, and those with evidences just have the briefest. Ramanujan experienced the book in 1903 when he was 15 years of age. That the book was not a systematic parade of hypotheses all restricted with clean confirmations urged Ramanujan to hop in and make associations all alone. In any case, since the confirmations included were regularly only jokes, Ramanujan had a bogus impression of the meticulousness needed in science.

2] Failures at the beginning

In spite of being a wonder in math, Ramanujan didn't have a promising beginning to his vocation. He got a grant to school in 1904, yet he immediately lost it by bombing in nonmathematical subjects. One more attempt at school in Madras (presently Chennai) additionally finished ineffectively when he bombed his First Arts test. It was around this time that he started his popular journals. He floated through neediness until in 1910 when he got a meeting with R. Ramachandra Rao, the secretary of the Indian Mathematical Society. Rao was from the start dubious about Ramanujan however at last perceived his capacity and upheld him monetarily.

3] Contact with the west

Ramanujan rose in unmistakable quality among Indian mathematicians, yet his partners felt that he expected to go toward the West to come into contact with the cutting edge of numerical examination. Ramanujan began composing letters of prologue to educators at the University of Cambridge. His initial two letters went unanswered, however his third—of January 16, 1913, to G.H. Strong—hit its objective. Ramanujan included nine pages of science. A portion of these outcomes Hardy definitely knew; others were totally bewildering to him. A correspondence started between the two that finished in Ramanujan coming to concentrate under Hardy in 1914.


4] Most accurate value of pi

In his notebooks, Ramanujan recorded 17 different ways to address 1/pi as a limitless series. Series portrayals have been known for quite a long time. For instance, the Gregory-Leibniz series, found in the seventeenth century is pi/4 = 1 - ⅓ + ⅕ - 1/7 + … However, this series combines amazingly leisurely; it takes in excess of 600 terms to settle down at 3.14, not to mention the remainder of the number. Ramanujan concocted something significantly more intricate that got to 1/pi quicker: 1/pi = (sqrt(8)/9801) * (1103 + 659832/24591257856 + … ). This series gets you to 3.141592 after the initial term and adds 8 right digits for each term from that point. This series was utilized in 1985 to figure pi to in excess of 17 million digits despite the fact that it hadn't yet been demonstrated.

5] Taxicab numbers

In a renowned story, Hardy took a taxi to visit Ramanujan. At the point when he arrived, he revealed to Ramanujan that the taxi's number, 1729, was "fairly a dull one." Ramanujan said, "No, it is an extremely intriguing number. It is the most modest number expressible as an amount of two blocks in two distinctive manners. That is, 1729 = 1^3 + 12^3 = 9^3 + 10^3. This number is currently called the Hardy-Ramanujan number, and the littlest numbers that can be communicated as the amount of two blocks in n diverse ways have been named cab numbers. The following number in the arrangement, the most modest number that can be communicated as the amount of two 3D squares in three diverse manners, is 87,539,319.

6] Ramanujan - 100 / 100

Tough thought of a size of numerical capacity that went from 0 to 100. He put himself at 25. David Hilbert, the incomparable German mathematician, was at 80. Ramanujan was 100. At the point when he passed on in 1920 at 32 years old, Ramanujan left behind three note pads and a bundle of papers (the "lost scratch pad"). These note pads contained great many outcomes that are as yet moving numerical work many years after the fact.