Pros and cons of mass promotion...!!


 1. It discourages the issues that re-learning an entire grade may bring.

Students that are left behind to repeat a grade are often discouraged because they have to re-learn everything that they’ve just learned. In the mind of the student, it is not their fault that they are struggling to comprehend certain issues. Social promotion eliminates this almost vengeful line of thinking so that students can always look for ward to something new.

2. It promotes the child’s self-esteem.
Society today has become very focused on the self-esteem of a student. We want our children to be confident in who they are and what they can do. Social promotion helps to increase self-esteem because it allows a student to continue progressing despite sometimes difficult circumstances. In essence, it allows a child to feel good about themselves because they see themselves as being competitive with their peers.

[Few cons of mass promotion.]

1. It creates the potential for non-educated students.
If students are just promoted to the next grade no matter what, it means they may graduate without having the essential knowledge and skills that are required for a good job. It is difficult to be as productive in today’s society without key skills like reading, comprehension, and mathematics. It may even mean that businesses would be forced to invest into their own remedial education systems as part of their new employee training to bridge the learning gap.

2. It provides parents with a false sense of confidence.
Parents today for the most part didn’t grow up in an era of social promotion. One of the greatest fears that students had, in fact, was being stuck in the same grade when their peers were being promoted to the next. Every borderline student was encouraged and helped by their friends, even in class, to make sure they had every opportunity to advance. Parents remember and expect this system in schools today, so a promotion is often seen as learning advancement when it may not be at all.

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